Our last meeting meeting was held on October 18. We had a number of new faces, so we started with a round of introductions from everyone while we enjoyed our lunch.
Business of this meeting included:
- We were notified at this time that long-time, valued ELLA member Jane Parkinson had passed away at the end of September. She will be missed and we extend our condolences to her family.
- ELLA is looking for suggestions for our annual Christmas party to be held in December. Please forward them to Shane at secretary@edmontonlawlibraries.ca.
- We are also still looking for Headstart volunteers. Please contact the executive if you have any suggestions or wish to volunteer.
- This month’s door prizes were won by Jane Symons and Marlice Want. Congratulations!!
After our business was concluded, we headed down to the Queen’s Bench/Provincial Court file room for a tour given by Marcel Lafleche.
Paper is still the only official record for court matters. There is some work in progress to switch to official electronic records, but there are issues around securing the electronic files so that they can’t be altered.
All PC and QB files are kept in the Courthouse for at least five years. They are only moved to the Alberta Records Centre (which stores all Government files) after there has been no activity on the file for five years. After a further retention period (determined by the type of file) the files are moved to the Provincial Archives. They are never destroyed. Retention periods are legislated under the Records Management Regulation (Government Organization Act).
During the time that files are stored in the Courthouse or the Alberta Records Centre, you place your request for a file through the Courthouse. It can take up to two weeks to receive a file from the Alberta Records Centre. Once the files are in the Provincial Archives, you have to make your request for a file through the Archives.
Retention periods for files at the Alberta Records Centre:
· Criminal – 75 years
· Divorce – 65 years
· Civil – 42 years
· Surrogate – 75 years