Thank you to all who attended our presentation titled “The Sovereign Citizen Pseudo-Law Memplex” by Donald Netolitzky on November 26, 2018. Donald is the Complex Litigant Management Counsel for the Court of Queen’s Bench. The information Donald provided was both interesting and entertaining.
Donald shared information about both the beliefs of OPCA litigants (Organized Pseudolegal Commercial Arguments) and how they try to transfer these beliefs into the legal systems. OPCA litigants are also referred to as Freeman on the Land, Sovereign Citizens and Detaxers. The court often refers to them as vexatious litigants.
You can find out more about OPCA litigants in this paper titled A Rebellion of Furious Paper: Pseudolaw as a Revolutionary Legal System and in a PowerPoint presentation of the same name which Donald graciously shared with us.

Julie (on behalf of the Edmonton CALL Organizing Committee) announced that they are looking for more presenters for Lightning Talks (i.e. very short talks of 7 minutes or less)
about library initiatives and other cool things legal information professionals are doing. They will be held Tuesday afternoon, May 28th.
ELLA is looking forward to seeing as many of you as are able to make it to our annual Christmas party next Tuesday, December 18 at the Riverside Bistro. Join us after work to visit and network with your ELLA colleagues!
Congratulations to our November door prize winners: Sophie Song and Miala Evans!! Regular meetings will resume in January.