Edmonton Law Libraries Association
Thursday, September 14, 2017
12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
Boardroom B2, Law Courts Building (lower level)
1A Sir Winston Churchill Square
In our initial meeting of the 2017-2018 fiscal year we will be collecting membership dues and discussing ELLA’s future.
Lunch will be provided | $10 Members, $15 Non-Members
Please R.S.V.P to secretary@edmontonlawlibraries.ca by Monday, September 11th.
The current members of our incoming ELLA Executive demonstrate the diversity within our membership. Our new Secretary-Treasurer, Shane Allan has recently graduated from the School of Library and Information Studies at the University of Alberta. Our new Member-At-Large, Anke Eastwood has been a part of ELLA for a very long time and will allow us to keep our strong relationship with the Alberta Law Libraries.
At the Annual General Meeting held in June of this year, there were no volunteers to fill the position of ELLA Chair, which leaves the position open to interested parties.
While we recognize that many of our members have devoted their time to serve on the ELLA Executive at some point over the last 36 years, we encourage you to consider this great opportunity to reinvigorate your passion for law libraries, raise important discussions about this ever-evolving field, and be a part of the team to lead our Association that is 40 members strong today.
Your Outgoing ELLA Executive